
Yellow headed blackbird

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Fighting Ghosts

I was talking to a good friend on the phone the other day and I made mention of an uncomfortable dinner we had shared a few years ago with our respective spouses. "Ugh", she remarked, "you remember that?" We were discussing our lives and the events that have shaped our individual thought processes and values and her husband told me that I was still fighting my grandfather's battles. This actually floored me and I have never forgotten the statement and use it occasionally to take stock of my own critical thinking.

Like many Jewish people, I was raised in an intellectual environment that always championed the underdog and the persecuted. My mother was a Unitarian, and my first memory in church was singing "We shall overcome" hand in hand with my neighbor. My mother was active in the civil rights movement and an organizer for Eugene McCarthy's campaign in 1968. My father voted for Henry Wallace. My grandfather had an incredible life of struggle and helped found the Histadrut in then Palestine. I was very poor at certain moments in my life and resented the silver spoon and the ease of life enjoyed by the privileged. My friend and I discussed these issues the other day and she mentioned that she is trying to stop reflexively thinking like a liberal. It is a good exercise in intellectual integrity. Reflexive thinking from any point on the political bandwidth is a trap.

I mention this because I am so disgusted by the current situation in Zimbabwe. NPR had an interview with a Mugabe defender yesterday that was appalling. His government is casting the current debacle in terms of a fight against British Colonialism - kind of a 28 year Austin Powers flashback. I think any rational person would admit the that battle has long since passed but it makes such a convenient smokescreen for his murderous thugs. Hundreds have been already slaughtered. Voters who vote for the opposition have been threatened with death after the election. The real power that controls this landlocked country, Mbeki of South Africa, sits idly by and says and does nothing.

In Venezuela, we have Hugo Chavez, the great liberator, fomenting a new plan where neighbors must turn in neighbors who are suspected of not agreeing with the thought police. He is financially supporting communist FARC in a neighboring country.

Pakistan's military rulers are disallowing Sharif, the man Musharref our buddy, deposed in a coup, from running again. They have lost support of their people and we are about ready to have a dangerous blow back.

Less than 5% of the Cubans have access to a telephone or computer that can get on the actual net. The proud people who fought against Batista's dictatorship have become dictators themselves. The old story.

Many of these countries have legitimate grievances against past colonial intrusion and manipulation. And yet they all seem to be fighting their grandfather's old battles against an enemy that no longer really exists. And using it as a pretext for some really nasty shit.


Anonymous said...

The BBC America broadcast yesterday on PBS was worse still. One of my basic issues is not that I am fighting my Grandfather's battles, because they actually fought them. My generation seems to have done a great deal of thinking about the issues but I think, and I place the spotlight on myself in this regard, that we are a lazy and unmotivated generation. A few guys in my age bracket walked the picket lines and walked with MLK, but I was not one of them, and I do not know anyone, first hand, who did, so it was not an entire generation. I cannot take credit for anything that happened at the time. Where are the placards and the signs of solidarity? Where are the people willing to stand up to these thugs? I am appalled at our do nothing congress and do nothing public...imagine all the Cuban Americans punishing Fidel by depriving their own people of a decent supply of medications. How could our government endorse this type of insanity? And who has ever suggested this is nothing but idiotic? Nobody I have come across. Who speaks up for the rights of the Palestinians and lives to tell? Certainly no one I know.
Is Chavez a bigger idiot than GWB? I doubt it, so why do we not appease him and teach him how to play fair and square? This is all stupid behavior. Why don't we start an 'Old Jews For Intelligent Thinking' brigade?

Blue Heron said...

Stan - I agree that our Cuba policy is ludicrous and inconsistent, especially since we kiss a more authoritarian Beijing's ass.

But no way are we going to teach Chavez anything. He is taking great glee in sticking it in our eye and there is no way to appease a punk like him except with a sharper stick. We have to condemn offensive behavior, whether it occurs here or there.

NYSTAN said...

hard to know-age old question is, does the environment create the monsters....what would Ghandi do? I want to believe that idiots can behave well if shown the way. A guy like Buch, placed in a legit rehab program twenty years ago, COULD have become more than a dry drunk. Maybe he needed better mentoring than Cheney and Rummie. Just an idea, since I am in no position at the moment to instigate anything remotely worldly.
I read today an essay by Naum Gabo who was a Constructivist and brilliant essayist. In 1937, he published one of his essays named The CIRCLE. In it, he explains the relationship between Science and Art. It is as relevant today as it was then. Basically, he states that 'SCIENCE TEACHES, ART ASSERTS.'
Maybe I am looking at these issues as an artist and trying to assert without facts. But I want to believe that true compassion can turn any man to goodness. I have no first hand experience in this, but like to believe it is the case, since the opposite is depressing and pessimistic even if true. Isn't this what the Dalai Lama professes? Cesar Chavez just needs a good hug. Same with Mugabe.

NYSTAN said...

that should have read, "a guy like BUSH.'
A little typo goes a long way.

Blue Heron said...

Stan - I love you but there's a bunch of wolves and a bunch of sheep and the wolves have no fucking guilt about the propriety of preying on the latter. Like the scorpion who asks the duck for the ride across the pond. The trick is staying out of the predator's movie. I don't want to be a righteous statistic...

Anonymous said...

robert---Well im really touched that our discussion had some impact....

Unlike or like you, I come from a tradition of fathers and great-grandfathers in germany and austria who were either full or part time philosophers and intellectuals....My russian grandparents were bolsheviks My mom belonged to the party in her youth..and my grandma used to sit me on her lap while she read Das Kapital.....However, I have always encouraged myself to question any premise or conclusion regardless of its affiliation with any party, right or left, religious or other group.....This often leads down a controversial path....I am reluctant to express myself at times for fear of becoming a social pariah...Have I been silenced and exommunicated by a jewish liberal mafia??.. Although I agree with SOME aspects ot pure liberal ideology, I don't believe in any uncritical adoption of a particular body of thought. I am not so sure I believe in the rights of illegal immigrants to bankrupt our healthcare system while our citizens die while waiting to be seen in emergency rooms, union agendas rife with corruption and that promote incompetence, affirmative action( I think we are already have gotten where we should be), instrusive and confiscatory large welfare based governments that perpetuate irresponsibility and waste etc etc....I even find myself agreeing at times with the subordination of some constitutional and personal rights towards the achievement of security..(this really scares me.).... TO me, the state of being and becoming either a republican or democrat is irrational and irrelevant and I dont identify with either party. Like you, I marched and demonstrated and got gassed and terrorized...But I look upon those years of my life as a time when I just wanted to conform to the "anti-status quo", because it made me feel accepted,loved and comfortable....and I wasn't really utilizing the power of true critical thought but instead was lost in a state of total mindlessness.

oh well that's it for now....love u j