I am getting tired of bashing George Bush. It's really a little too easy and I think like most of us, he justifies his actions by his own experiences and internal frames of reference. In his mind, he might be doing god's work against the enemies of heaven. I don't think that he is necessarily the smartest man that has served his nation but, to his credit, he doggedly pursues his convictions.
But a few things that purportedly are in his background give a person an opportunity to pause and consider.
Prior to his first election to the presidency I heard stories that he would regale his high falootin guests at cocktail parties in Austin with his great imitations of prisoners asking him for parole and clemency (which he denied at a pretty high clip). And if these stories are true, and granted I wasn't there, they would show just a touch of brutality in his makeup.
One thing that I am pretty sure of is a story related to me by one of my wealthy clients from Houston, who is a cousin to a man that worked in the Bush One's presidency. Her name will not be broadcast because I don't want to out her and subject her to recrimination and its not a huge deal but maybe an interesting tale.
She told me about being at the pool of the Houston Country Club one day many summers ago and seeing a teenage boy brutally abusing the younger children. She watched until she couldn't take it any more and grabbed the punk kid by the ear. The next thing you know the lad's mother confronted her and told her to unhand her son in a rather nasty voice. And you guessed it, it was Barbara Bush and the once and future king, I mean Prez. She said told Mrs. Bush that she didn't care who she was, her kid was an asshole picking on children a lot younger than he was and that they didn't belong to the club anyway. A minor side note and not that revealing but you have to wonder about what might be an early penchant for brutality.
I saw the following blurb on Bush's grandfather Prescott and his affinity for the fascists and will leave you to cogitate for yourself:
Prison Planet | November 29, 2007
Paul Joseph Watson
Author Naomi Wolf, who made headlines earlier this year after she identified the ten steps to fascism that were being followed to a tee by the Bush administration, spoke publicly for the first time yesterday about the origins of what we see unfolding today, Prescott Bush's attempt to launch a Nazi coup in 1930's America.
Speaking on the Alex Jones Show, Wolf said that she was first alerted to begin researching America's slide into fascism when her friend, the daughter of a Holocaust survivor, warned her that the same events that laid the foundations for the rise of the Third Reich in early 1930's Germany, when it was still a Parliamentary democracy, were being mirrored in modern-day America.
"A small group of people began very systematically to use the law and dismantle the Constitution and put pressure on citizens to subvert the law - and that opened the door for everything that followed," said Wolf.
"When I started reading, not only are tactics and strategy being reproduced exactly right now by the Bush administration - but actual sound bytes and language and images and scenarios are being reproduced," she added.
Wolf's essay, Fascist America, In 10 Easy Steps , has received plaudits for how it succinctly describes the ways in which dictatorships the world over thro ughout the 20Th century have evolved by following the exact same blueprint for tyranny that we see unfolding in America today.
"Everybody that wants to close down a Democracy does the exact same ten things, the same classic steps and unfortunately we're starting to see these ten steps being put in place in the United States," said Wolf.
For the first time publicly, Wolf traced the origins of contemporary developments back to President Bush's Nazi grandfather, Prescott Bush, and his plan to launch a fascist coup in the 1930's.
"There was a scheme in the 30's and Prescott Bush was one of the leaders of this scheme, an industrialist who admired fascism and thought that was a good idea - to have a coup in the United States along the lines of the coup they saw taking place in Italy and Germany," said Wolf, referring to the testimony of Marine Corps Maj.-Gen. Smedley Butler, who was approached by a wealthy and secretive group of industrialists and bankers, including Prescott Bush - the current President's grandfather, who asked him to command a 500,000 strong rogue army of veterans that would help stage a coup to topple then President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
A recent BBC radio report confirmed that there was an attempted coup led by Prescott Bush.
"Smedley Butler had been involved with violent regime change throughout his career, but he was approached by these conspirators, including Prescott Bush, and he outed them and he testified to Congress that they were planning a coup in the United States - it's in the Congressional record," said Wolf, adding that the coup was being bankrolled by German industrialist and one of Hitler's chief financiers Fritz Thyssen.
"What is amazing to me and resonant to me is that when the Nuremberg trials were finally put in place, these Nazi industrialists, some of whom had colluded with Americans including IBM, were about to be brought to trial and sent to prison - there was a moment at which they were going to look into turning the spotlight on their American partners," said Wolf.
The author added that laws such as the Military Commissions Act of 2006 were consciously designed to protect current President Bush and his co-conspirators from being indicted for war crimes, harking back to Prescott Bush's history.
"The family history is that you can make so much money uniting corporate interests with a fascist state that violently represses people, that's why when I saw the recycling of so much Nazi language, Nazi tactics, Nazi strategies, Nazi imagery in the Bush White House and then finally belatedly people brought to me this history of Prescott Bush's attempted coup and Smedley Butler's revelations - it gives me absolute chills," said Wolf.
The fact that Bush's grandfather was a Nazi cannot be presented alone as proof that President Bush is carrying on the legacy, but his policies and rhetoric, which in her essay Wolf clearly documents are borrowed from the Nazi playbook, and in particular the recent move to smear administration critics as potential terrorists, are evidence that George W. Bush is the figurehead for a modern-day fascist coup in America led by the Neo-Cons.
Wolf concluded that history shows the only safe course for preserving freedom in such a climate is to prosecute and jail the protagonists of the coup as early as possible, a process many would argue should have been enacted several years ago.
I think that the idea that he has a genetic predilection for brutality and fascist behavior is a stretch. His dad in retrospect seems like a pretty good egg. But the nasty boy was not quite up to the challenge of leading this nation.
I heard something amazing a few weeks ago. They were interviewing two individuals in Rwanda. One man, whose entire family was murdered by the other man, stated to the interviewers that in order to move on and have a life of any quality, he had to FORGIVE the other man.
Can you imagine what that sort of awareness, consciousness, choice could make in other areas? Like Israel? How often do we unnecessarily hold onto resentment and anger? In this man’s case his anger would seem “justified”, but if we all continue to act in a justified manner where does that leave the world?
I have to say, I was really touched by this broadcast. Not only because of what the one man was offering not only the other man, but himself: FREEDOM from the past and a chance to choose something different.
How would the world look if we all decided to choose a different path? One not filled with blame, lack of self accountability and responsibility . . . wow, then there wouldn’t be an issue about what Bush does or doesn’t do, but what we will chose to do.
Just one deep thought in the midst of a chaotic world . . ..
I am sure that you have seen the bumper sticker that says an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind. I admire the sentiment. But the more rational side of me divides the world up between predators and sheep and sees that certain people live to rape and pillage. Then I think of another slogan - never again.
I thank you for your post, my friend.
I agree, the nation has had enough of George Bush. What is his latest approval rating, 20 or 30%? He has been on the wrong side of nearly every issue that concerns our nation, and in the opinion of this writer, has been the worst president since Jimmy Carter, and maybe worse than Carter. That being said, I think it is a paranoid reach to identify this administation with Nazi Germany, or that we as a nation are close to embracing facism. It makes a nice story to associate Bush with an ancestors behavior almost 80 years ago, but has no merit. Are we supposed to judge Obama because he was an associate of William Ayers? Ms Wolf likewise, will have no merit and no platform next year with a new administration and a new congress. So much for her paranoid hype! If she really wants to discuss facist tendencies, let her discuss the Middle East.
Thankfully, most Americans have more confidence in our constitutional form of goverment.
Regardless of the party, it is in our nations interest to have periodic changes in power. Four more years of Bush, who knows what might be blown up. Four more years of Bill Clinton...well we know what would have been blown. Yes, we will always have some bad apples, too many at present. That brings up the real issue in my mind. Where are the leaders like John Kennedy, and Everett Dirksen that care more about representing all Americans, rather than some personal agenda or pandering to the next electorate.
Excellent points and well taken.
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