
Yellow headed blackbird

Monday, March 3, 2008

Countdown to the show!

Well, one more week until my first solo photographic show. It's kind of nerve wracking.  I am far too neurotic to be a working artist.  Haven't been sleeping well and have been a little on edge.  Great timing to put on a show in the midst of major cardiac difficulty - perhaps my entre can double as my swan song...

I am grateful to my many friends for their help on this project and to my wife Leslie for putting up with me.  We hit Trader Joes yesterday so even if you think the work sucks - at least we will be drinking nice champagne if you get there early enough.

A couple serious photogs have given me shit about my choices and work and I have trained myself not to listen too much as these are my choices.  I made the mistake on a college architecture project of listening to the pros and paid dearly in the end.

So this is my new blog and we will see where it goes.  See you all Saturday night!



Linda Kissam said...

You're work is edgy and professional. You know what success looks - relax and enyoy the ride.

stmichel said...


What can I say, art is perceived on an individual basis. You were never for the common taste, so don't worry about critics. There are always more critics than there are creators.

I love your work. your vantage point. Enjoy it, stop obsessing (yeah, easier said than done, but still a choice), sip some champagne, breathe and enjoy Leslie and your friends who come by. Wish we could be there to see your work on the walls.

